
5 November 2013

There's No Place Like Where Wine is Cheaper Than Water.

A quick trip back home, and before I knew it I was on a plane back to Milan. I had to get back for VFNO, fashion week, and my internship! I had one day to run all my errands before going to work for the next three weeks straight. One major errand was turning my visa into a permesso, which really shouldn't be that hard. But, as you all remember from last September, everyone likes to know nothing about anything, and I was sent in so many circles. Here's a play-by-play:

Olivia: "Excuse me, but are you sure that this is where I have to go when I get back to Italy? Because last year this was wrong."
Woman at Vancouver Italian Consulate: "Boh. I only know what they tell me."

Olivia: "Excuse me, but is this the package I need to fill out for my working holiday permesso?
Post Office Dude #1: "How should I know? You should know. I just take the package and send it off."

Olivia: "Excuse me, I'm here on a working holiday visa, but no one seems to know what I need to do now to get my permesso. Can you help me?"
Woman at Canadian Consulate in Milan: "How should I know? The consulate where you picked it up should tell you. I work for Italians who want to go to Canada."

Olivia: "Excuse me, can you tell me what to do to turn my visa into a permesso?"
Man at Questura #2: "How should I know? What is this? This type of visa doesn't exist."

Olivia: "Excuse me, is this the right place to make my appointment at the questura?"
Post Office Dude #2: "Sure, no problem, I'll just need you to go here to get a stamp, pay for three other different receipts here, stand on your head, and here's your appointment for two weeks from now."
Olivia: "I am forever grateful."

Olivia: "I'm here for my appointment."
Man at Questura #2: "The system isn't working. I have never seen this type of visa before. You obviously made an appointment for the wrong questura. Go to this other place in a couple of weeks."

It took 30 days (and 30 nights), and countless people and questions to finally meet someone who knew exactly what my visa was for and what to do. I will marry him one day. That said, it's three weeks later and I'm still waiting for said permesso to be ready... in case you haven't already read this article, every word is true. And number 4. NUMBER 4.

But, let's finish this on a positive note. The other night I had a pizza and a half litre of wine for $10. In a restaurant. I win!

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